Emergency Medical Slugs


2024-2025 EMS Slugs Goals:

Email: emergencymedicalslugs@gmail.com

Instagram: @emslugs_ucsc

Click our logo below to subscribe to our google calendar!


How do I become a member of EMS Slugs?

We do not collect club dues, and there are no other opportunities where we collect money from club members! :) We do keep track of attendance at club meetings and participation at volunteer events. We take your participation into account when choosing individuals for the officer team. Essentially, being a part of EMS Slugs is what you make of it!

I don't have any certifications, can I still volunteer and participate in club meetings?

Yes! If you do not have any certifications, you are absolutely welcome to sign up to volunteer at all events! Your role will be to shadow EMT and BLS certified individuals as they provide aid at these events. You are absolutely welcome to attend club meetings as well and learn and practice the skills that we teach!

P.S. We offer any opportunity for 96 pre-health students to get BLS certified for free every quarter! This opportunity is organized by our VP, so EMS Slugs members read about it first on Instagram and get priority. 

Would you like EMS volunteers to staff your next club event? 

Click the icon to the right and dm us on Instagram 

We can staff concerts, sporting events, and any other large events where students might need medical attention

